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Welcome to Forum!

The OurSure Forum is intended to allow customers to share their thoughts, ideas, projects, and problems with each other. We've built a number of discussion areas to help organize the discussions and make it easier for you to find topics that interest you.

How do I post?
Click on the discussion category that most closely matches the product, project, or question you want to post. Click on the "New Topic" link and post your message. Before you post, please see if a similar topic has already been posted. You may find that someone else is doing the same thing you are or has (or had) the same problem you're experiencing.

How do I search the forum?
All posts in the forum are indexed in our database for quick retrieval. You may search for specific posts based on a word or words found in the posts, user name, date, and particular forum(s). Simply click on the "search" link at the top of most pages.

Will OurSure respond to me if I post here?
To receive a reply directly from OurSure please email to

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